永远不要停止追求你的道路. Lauren Steenson found hers over 12 years, five stations and countless adventures.

Steenson standing on the edge of a large ship with an American flag waving above her with two crewmates standing next to her

Lauren Steenson, ’23, had always been interested in visual storytelling and photography. 但直到她加入了美国.S. 海岸警卫队 in 2011 that she discovered how to turn her interests into the future she wanted.

Steenson wanted to become a public affairs specialist — it was her goal the moment she joined the 海岸警卫队. She found an internal job opening and decided to add her name to the wait list for the 海岸警卫队’s Public Affairs A-School — a program needed to qualify for the job. But the A-School only admits a few 海岸警卫队 members at a time, so Steenson patiently waited for more than three years.

最终,斯廷森被录取了. She began a 12-week course at a Defense Information School in Fort Meade, 马里兰, 专注于新闻和专题写作, photography and military policy on public information. She completed her course in 2015, officially becoming a public affairs specialist. After graduating from the Public Affairs A-School, 她驻扎在科迪亚克, Alaska for two years — and deployed  to Central America and the Arctic — where she put her new skills to good use documenting the 海岸警卫队’s work through many different avenues.

badge for uniform that says "National Strike Force U.S. 海岸警卫队. 新闻协助小组”
Steenson in a black helicopter helmet with a microphone over her mouth
Steenson and another person standing at the exit door of an airplane that looks over ice

“我已经融入了摄影, video, graphic design and social media 内容创作 and management into my job, which has given me the creative freedom I thrive in,Steenson说. “The military aspect provides a good structure for me personally to keep me on track. I didn’t really know I needed that kind of balance in my professional life until I experienced it.”

Steenson continued working up the ranks toward public affairs specialist first class and decided to apply for the 海岸警卫队’s advanced education program — where the 海岸警卫队 would send her to college so she could complete her bachelor’s degree. 在这个备受追捧的项目中, only one enlisted public affairs specialist is selected each year — and for 2020, 就是他.

她选择了 新媒体传播 in the College of Liberal 艺术 — a program that provided her with useful skills, a network of like-minded people and many professional development opportunities.

“It has really made connections in my mind about how to approach things in my job like social media, 内容创作, media relations and advising upper leadership on strategic communications,Steenson说. “If you have an opportunity and desire to pursue this degree, go for it.”

Steenson adds that her Oregon State experience has inspired her in many ways — from the enthusiastic NMC faculty to the engaging discussions and activities.

“My two years at OSU were wonderful,她说。. “NMC was the best possible program I could have chosen as an investment into my career and future. I never thought there would be a major that encapsulated so many of my interests.”

今天, Steenson specializes in crisis communications for incidents like hurricanes and oil spills as a member of the Public Information Assist Team in the 海岸警卫队’s Atlantic area, which is part of the National Strike Force. 在那里, she delivers important information to the general public, ranging from news releases to media interviews to photo and video content for an incident news site and social media channels, 帮助处于高压状态的人.

“We need to make sure our message is reaching and being received by the right audience because it could be about their safety in a disaster,她说。. “It’s a great feeling to see how the content we put out helps people make informed decisions for their families.”

Steenson的野心还在继续. She is now finishing up a series of Public Information Assist Team courses, including incident response and the science behind oil spills, and hopes to advance to the rank of chief petty officer by 2025.

When Steenson decided to join the 海岸警卫队, “I told myself it didn’t have to be forever,她说。. “It could be a four-year adventure to gain some good experience or the start to a career.”

事实证明,一切都是如此,甚至更多. “Twelve years, five stations and countless adventures later, I am still loving it.”